Inline-type 6 cylinder engine VS V-type 6 cylinder engine


    In the Automotive world, 6 cylinders internal combustion engine is commonly used on mid-size sedan cars, high-end 2-door supercars, SUVs, and trucks. There are 2 types of 6-cylinder engines, inline 6 engines have a cylinder with one row in a straight line, and V6 engines have two rows of 3-cylinder inline that form a V shape. Despite these two engines existing, people in the automotive industry have been arguing about which one is the best six-cylinder engine to perform well.

    The inline 6 engine is well-balanced. Because the cylinders are in a straight row, there are no more disruptive vibrations from banked angles than a V6 engine. The inline 6 engine is so balanced because the pistons move in tandem position with their mirror image on the other side of the engine block. 

    V6 engine size is smaller than the inline 6 engine. The V6 engine has a two-row of three cylinders on 2 sides, making the engine wider and shorter front engine. This engine is preferred by most manufacturers because it can be mounted longitudinally and transversely under the hood of many types of cars.

    It is argued that inline 6 engines are more simple and minimal designs than complicated V6 engines. Because the raw materials required are less to produce the inline-six engine. Nonetheless, the inline 6 engine has proven to be easier for auto manufacturers to craft.

Although the inline 6 engines and V6 engines have their pros and cons because there is no such thing as a perfect engine. Both engines were still being used today on many cars today because the engineers of every car manufacturer were working hard to solve both engine type problems in order to offer more advantages to both engines.


  1. What a nice info that I get from your blog ..keep share this information in future for other automotive systems 🔥🔥🔥


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